Wednesday 25 May 2011

One born every minute

If you missed this TV series – where have you been?  If you’re an expectant mum you’ll either be devouring every minute of this great series on Channel 4 which shows real women going through labour and giving birth or you’ll be avoiding it like the plague, put off and scared by what you’re seeing.
Either way, you’re going to have to go through it…but we guarantee once you’ve had your baby you’ll want to devour each and every episode as much as we do.  It’s emotional, funny, heart-warming and most of all amazing to be allowed to watch the wonder of new life being brought into this world.  Pass the tissues!
So for those middle of the night feeds when there's nothing to watch…click here to get the series on demand.

Remember, you can follow us on twitter (@emmajanebras) or Like us on Facebook to get all our regular updates on pregnancy, breastfeeding and being a mum!

1 comment:

  1. I don't agree - I think it's a sensationalist series, aimed at getting rankings and perpetuating the 'fears' of childbirth. If it wasn't, they'd give equal coverage to the beautiful, peaceful and gentle waterbirths they like to gloss briefly over. :(


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