Monday 5 November 2012

Tips for a good night's rest when pregnant

If you’re an expectant mother, you’re probably hoping to stockpile as much sleep as possible before your baby arrives, but this isn’t always what nature seems to have intended.

Our bodies don’t seem to be designed to sleep well in the weeks running up to the arrival of a new baby.  Finding a comfortable position with swollen boobs and big bump is almost impossible and there isn’t a mother out there who doesn’t worry about the health and safe delivery of her child.  These are all very normal emotions; caring and worrying about our children is what us good mothers. 

Many women also experience indigestion, heartburn, leg cramps and the need to constantly visit to the loo.  Luckily, they all disappear as soon as the baby’s born and there are a few practical things you can do to aid a good night’s rest in the run up to your delivery:

·         Drink as little as possible in the hour before bedtime
·         If you’re feeling sick at night, eat a high carbohydrate snack such as a rice cracker.  Nausea always feels worse on an empty stomach.
·         If you suffer from indigestion or heartburn, eat meals at least four hours before bedtime and avoid citrus foods, fried food, spices and chocolate because these can irritate the oesophagus. The one pill you can take when pregnant is an antacid!
·         If you suffer from leg cramps, gently flex your foot or massage your leg.  Another trick is to place a hot water bottle on the cramped area or to walk around.
·         Purchase some good underwear to support your breasts when asleep.  The same goes for nightwear, look for soft, button and clip free bras, nightdresses and pyjamas.
·         A warm bath, some fresh air or gentle exercise during the day can also aid a good night’s rest, especially if you’ve been lying awake for hours in the night.
·         Antenatal classes are a good way to meet other parents to be.  Talking to other mothers you’ll find you’re not the only one with worries and anxieties.

Perhaps it’s just nature’s way of easing us gently into sleepless nights.  Rest assured (excuse the pun), all babies eventually sleep through the night and before you know it, they’re teenagers you have to drag out of bed.  Sometimes it seems difficult to savour the moments, but time goes by so quickly and before you know it, you’ll be wishing for it to happen all over again.

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