Friday 14 January 2011

Conflicting breastfeeding advice - where do you stand?

A new report out today says that exclusive breastfeeding for six months might not be the best after all. This is contrary to the World Health Organisation's advice that babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of their lives. See this report from the BBC on the story.

For many mums trying to breastfeed, this might add further confusion, possibly even a reason to give up feeding if they are battling. And even those mums happily feeding, not knowing whether to introduce solid foods before or after six months can cause them to worry.

Our thoughts are that mums know best. We strongly support breastfeeding and believe mums who are comfortable and happy feeding this way should continue for as long as they like. But they should also trust their instincts and respond to their baby's needs. If your baby is thriving on breast milk alone, then stick with it. If your baby is somewhere between 4 and 6 months and seems to want or need something in addition, then try it.

There will always be conflicting advice with different groups pushing their own agendas. It can be a tough job for parents to navigate their way through the minefield of information. But ultimately you know your baby. Do your best, love them loads and everything will be ok in the end. No-one is perfect.

What are your views on this new report? Please share them with us either below or on our Facebook page.

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